
  • Mind the (Pay) Gap!

    In my practice, I see people for a number of reasons – a job search, a personal goal, a team issue, leadership development, etc. It is normally a pretty good spread of topics and projects.  But, interestingly enough, over the past two weeks, one topic has come up 10x more than usual – salary. Mind the (Pay) GAP  […]


  • Career lessons from the gym…

    Most days I get up at 5:30am and go to a gym that is about 10min from my house for a class at 6:00am. The format of the gym alternates between HIIT cardio days and weightlifting days. It is an intense workout no matter what and I am semi-convinced the gym owner’s true goal is […]


  • Career Spring Cleaning

    Here in Minnesota, it won’t be long now before the tulips and other early flowers start to bloom. We have had a remarkably mild winter but even so, tons of dirt and dust builds up in the house.  So, as winter comes to a close and the tulips start to poke their green tips, a good spring cleaning always […]